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Bishop Warren Anderson Ministries

Bishop Warren Anderson - His Message

Bishop Anderson in a brown suit, holding a mic, preaching the word of GodBishop Warren Anderson has a genuine love for God, a quality that all men don’t have. His love for God drives him. His passion is to please Him, to present himself to God as a living sacrifice. Bishop Warren Anderson is on the job everyday. That is the great commission, teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, compelling men and women and young adults alike to repent of there sins, accept Jesus as their savior and lord, and live.

Bishop Anderson preaches and teaches that Jesus came into this world for one reason and one reason only; to please His father. To do that, He had to carry out His purpose for being born in this world, and that He did faithfully. To give each man, woman, boy, and girl a chance to live a life that would be impossible to live without Him. Our lord called it, and I like what he called it, Life More Abundantly. As Bishop Anderson would says, "Life with a plus." Things that were once impossible are now possible because of The Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.

Benefit means to gain advantage. That means that nothing is impossible now, and that you don’t have to die in sin and you don’t have to live a defeated life. You can change. You can change your whole world. You don’t have to suffer abuse and stay in it. You don’t have to live in poverty. Whom the son sets free is free indeed. All of these things and so much more belong to the saints. Your dreams and visions and desires, are all a guarantee to those WHO PUT GOD FIRST.



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Bishop Warren Anderson - You Got To Believe (s)

You Got To Believe CD Cover



Bishop Warren Anderson - God Will Work It Out (s)

God Will Work It Out

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